Selasa, 30 April 2013

Cool Stock Flowers Pictures images

Hotel Porto Santa Maria
stock flowers pictures
Image by Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts Events
// Every January, after each Nativity Scene is dismounted, Roque Luís - the man who makes sure no inventory goes below stock at Porto Santa Maria - starts thinking about the following Christmas. He is the mastermind behind each year's scene and this time he came with a brilliant idea, but one we knew would require a lot more work and ingenuity to setup.
After four days the "Poncha Team" - as we call the members of the hotel staff that will always find an excuse to get 15 minutes off their work and come to help - made it happen.
You are welcome to come and see it live, as these pictures don't make it justice. Preferably after the sun sets and the lights shine stronger in the dark.

// Cada ano, em Janeiro, ao desmontar o presépio, Roque Luís - o homem das compras que trabalha para que nada falta no Hotel Porto Santa Maria - começa a pensar no projecto do ano seguinte. Ele é o talento que tem dado forma aos nossos presépios e este ano trouxe-nos uma bela ideia, mas uma que sabíamos que iria exigir mais trabalho e habilidade para realizar.
Após 4 dias o "Poncha Team" - como chamamos aos membros do pessoal do hotel que vão inventando desculpas para escapar 15 minutos ao seu trabalho e vêm dar uma mão - conseguiu terminá-lo.
Seja bem vindo se quiser ver o presépio ao vivo, uma vez que estas fotos não lhe fazem justiça. De preferência depois de o sol se pôr, quando o brilho das luzes é mais intenso.

The Wisley Gardens - iPhone Diptic Style
stock flowers pictures
Image by Kimb0lene
Pictures in and around RHS Wisley Gardens. All pictures taken with iPhone 4 and Hipstamatic, processed with Diptic App

Anna's Garden
stock flowers pictures
Image by Nerissa Alford Designs

Right now I am very in tune with nature, especially gardens. I love taking macro pictures. Nothing like all the details. Seeing beautiful flowers reminds me of creative bliss, tranquility & harmony.

digital brushes courtesy of:

Bardowicker Trachen AA197762
stock flowers pictures
Image by
Am 19.09.2010 fand in Bardowick das 59. Erntedankfest statt, eines der Größten in Deutschland.
Tausende Besucher sahen den Festumzug und begeisterten sich an den Darbietungen, der Trachtengruppen und Musikzüge in der Worth.
In diesem Jahr nahmen 20 Festwagen, 12 Jugendwagen und 7 Musikzüge teil.
Das Foto zeigt die echten Bardowicker Trachten.
Weitere Bilder und Infos auf unserer Website- More infos and pictures on our website:

Happy Easter Everyone!
stock flowers pictures
Image by Striking Photography by Bo Insogna
Pink tulips in a vase with a white brick background. Fine Art flower photography print and canvas art.

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