Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

Cool Lilies Flowers Pictures images

The lilies are getting taken away!
lilies flowers pictures
Image by Rosa Say
I received this arrangement from a customer as a thank you gift. The flowers were so tightly packed together as buds, and it has been a joy taking pictures of them as they have opened. In fact, I took so many shots I started to wonder what in the world I would start to call each of them: They had far too much personality to remain photo numbers.

I started to feel for the ones which were covered up by the immense lilies, and soon imagined they were talking to each other, jostling and fretting in their white envy of each other, saying things they did not think I could hear…

And as the days pass the buds continue to open as elders fade…

Continue to follow the numbers for their conversation... 19.

Stacked Lily
lilies flowers pictures
Image by tr.robinson
This is a composite of two separate pictures where I had the plant at f/9.0 and the lilypads at f/2.8. The two merge together but once I know the image is composited is looks fake to me.

lilies flowers pictures
Image by omk_489
A picture of a flower (a lily, I think) in the flower beds of my front lawn. I took this picture in macro mode and slightly touched up the color in MS Picture Manager.

Water lily
lilies flowers pictures
Image by attack the darkness
Pictures of lily

Purple Lily - standing
lilies flowers pictures
Image by otfrom
Just so you don't think only took pictures of pink flowers.

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