Fringed iris / Iris japonica / 著莪(しゃが)
Image by TANAKA Juuyoh (田中十洋)
Fukuoka-shi(city) Fukuoka-ken(Prefecture), Japan
福岡県福岡市(ふくおかけん ふくおかし)
Flower Setup
Image by nickwheeleroz
Strobist Information:
I couldn't help noticing that Flickr is desperately short of flower pictures so I figured that it was my duty as a contributor to this fine photographic resource to add a couple more! LOL
The flowers in question were all purchased from the Brisbane Sunday flower market and the pictures will eventually be incorporated into Keoula's spring dress collection. In the meantime, they are making a guest appearance in the nickwheeleroz 08 Flickr photo collection. :)
I tried a variety of backgrounds, but the 'brief' was to shoot them on white which I mostly stuck too. I used a couple of the tile boards from my white background trials to shoot against. I placed my large DIY softbox as the main light and used a second diffused SB-28 to light the flowers from below. I placed a third Sunpak 383 pointing towards the back tile board to give the white background.
All the pictures were taken with a variation on this setup. The blue background in the second yellow flower picture was created by turning the background light off so the white went to grey and then setting the white balance to tungsten in Lightroom.
The yellow flowers were also in a bit of a sorry state so there was quite a lot of touching up in Paint Shop Pro as well as the cloning of the odd petal here and there to fill in a few gaps! :)
As an aside, if anyone knows what the purple or yellow flowers are called, please do drop a note in the comments. It would be good to give the pictures a better title than 'yellow flower'! :) The purple flowers also had pink and yellow variations in the bunch and the petals felt like paper.
Update: Thank you to everyone for identifying the gerbera's and statis, I have updated the titles and tags accordingly.
Pictures here:
Purple Statice
Purple Statice
A Bunch of Yellow Gerberas
Yellow Gerbera
Purple Iris
Learn how to light:
Chrysanthemum Flower Bud By Coralie
Image by Coralie Mrsroadrunner
Other then Chrysanthemum flowers being pretty, there is approximately 30 species of the Chrysanthemum flower, they have been dated back to the 15th century BC and some have medical uses (herbs), while others have Insecticidal uses. NASA did a clean air study with Chrysanthemum plants and have concluded they do reduce indoor air pollution (like all plants I imagine??) , further reading NASA Clean Air Study
First Flower This Spring
Image by Brave Heart
I just water this wonderful plant, anyone know what type flower it is?
A purple iris
Image by larrysphatpage
This is my favorite shot of the bunch. This iris grows several yards out behind the house, at the edge of a large area of trees. A 1024×768 pixel copy of this picture has graced my Windows desktop.
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